If you’re doing any type of inbound marketing that drives prospective clients to your website, it’s a good idea to have a contact or subscription form to gather information and turn visitors into leads.
The number of contact form submissions you receive can paint a picture of how well your overall inbound marketing strategy is doing, but how will you know what channels are effectively gathering new leads and what channels are not? If you’re investing time and resources into blogging, PPC, social media, email campaigns, whitepapers, etc., you need to know exactly how each channel performs in order to adjust strategy or reallocate resources. The key to improving and optimizing your marketing initiatives is to increase the granularity of the data you receive. This can be done by creating a form submission event in Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager.
Tag Manager is a powerful, free tool that lets you drop snippets of code into your website without ever having to dig into the backend. It’s simple to install and makes creating events in Analytics easier than ever.
Follow this step-by-step process to track form submissions with Google Tag Manager.
Step 1:
If you already have a Tag Manager account, proceed to Step 2. If you don’t, create one and drop in the container snippet onto the backend of your site.
Step 2:
Find the form ID by right-clicking on the form and selecting Inspect Element while using Google Chrome. Look for the id attribute in the tag:
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